Tuesday 19 August 2014

Random Shoes

Hello there Splodgies!

For the past couple of days, for seemingly no reason, this box of random shoes has been outside the front gate to my house.

...I have no idea where they have come from... or who left them there... or why. Also, Kudos to anybody who got the Torchwood reference. 50 Splodge Points for you. They seemed to be in an old council recycling box, and I didn't recognise any of the shoes either. 

But what were they doing outside my house?? Why are they there?? Who left them there?? Why did the think that outside my house would be a good place to leave them?? Who did the shoes belong to before they ended up in the box? 

They all seemed to be men's shoes. They all seemed to be about the same size.

I wondered about all the places these shoes must have been whilst they were on someone's feet. Someone, once, must have loved those shoes. And even if they weren't loved any more, it looked like they were trying to recycle them. And even though this wasn't the correct place to recycle shoes (we have a shoe recycling place in town, and a few more of those giant metal boxes for putting in old clothes and shoes in at various recycling centres in the district) at least it looked as if they were trying to deal with them rather than just throwing them out...

...but then why not just have them in your own recycling box outside your own house?!

....Argh!! So much of this makes so little sense!!!

Does anybody have any theories?? Please let me know because I am utterly floored by this one.

Has anyone else ever had a random box of shoes left outside their houses?? 
Let me know in the comments :) 

Today, this is me, wondering how we'll do in the pub quiz: 

Spoiler alert, we won!

See you tomorrow!

***EPILOGUE*** The shoes were gone on recycling day. And the box. 

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