Monday 4 August 2014


Good Evening, Splodgekins!

Usually, I like travelling. Because usually I am doing it on a train. Today, it was more like this: 

Except it was worse than this because for a large time around near Bristol, it was RAINING VERY HARD. And it was hot. And the car was very cramped because it also contained my parents and one of my brothers. And all our stuff. 

So we were late leaving. Because of some milk that leaked from the fridge into the freezer. And then it froze. And had to be chipped off the freezer. And then we had the inevitable "packing the car" argument. My dad believes he is the only person capable of efficiently packing the car. Him or my sister, but she wasn't there. I knew that reminding him of my superb tetris skills combined with my increased spatial awareness (drawn from three years of theatre training) would be a pointless exercise, so being the only person ready to leave at the agreed to leave time, I retreated to my room and played some ukulele. 

When we finally left, we were an hour off schedule! And during the journey we stopped twice. 

We did have some fun times though, laughing at various crazy cars we saw, or the expressions we got from fellow travellers as we sang noisily in traffic jams. My brother and I even had a few good pokemon battles.

In fact, really it was rather a pleasant journey- it was just the conditions that made it unpleasant. I guess I should stop being so moany about it!! 

Anyway, when we arrived it was lovely to see Grandma again and have a drink and a bite to eat. 

I went to the beach solo after dinner to see if I could catch a photo of the sunset for you all whilst I was here, but I just missed it!: 

And as I didn't get a picture of the sun setting, I thought I'd get a picture of the moon rising:

...I know its not as good. I'll try again tomorrow! 

Today, this is me, having arrived safely at my destination: 

See you tomorrow!

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