Tuesday 5 August 2014

I can't tame or train dragons

So today it was raining most of the day.

Despite this, during a clear spell we visited a junk shop. 

....There was a rumble and this dragon popped his head out of the ground (I think he lived in a cave). I'd recently watched a film called "How To Train Your Dragon 2" so I knew EXACTLY what to do: 

...Unfortunately, it turns out that the film was a work of fiction and dragons should not be approached under any circumstances. What followed was a rather unpleasant incident involving some flame breath, a nearby tree and several squirrels! Fortunately nobody was injured other than myself, and my dignity. 

I tried to get a picture of the sunset again today, and this is what happened: 

...its hard to tell, but its raining quite hard. And I'd tried to get the time perfectly right so I'd get a good shot and everything!! But I'll try again tomorrow, Splodgekins, don't you fret :)

Today, this is me, damp and disappointed that I didn't get my shot: 

See you tomorrow!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lovely... as all your blogs girl.. love your writing style and comedic sense and the dragon is just sooo cute :D
