Saturday 30 August 2014

A literary quandary

Hello Splodgies!

If you read my blog on a regular or semi-regular basis, or have spoken to me in the past 6 weeks or so, you'll know that I'm moving fairly soon, out of my parents' house to start a new job. 

However, I am presented with a quandary with regard to my actual moving- Books.

What am I supposed to do about my books? I won't have a bookshelf where I'm going. So I need to find a way to store my books... But I want to take books with me. The books I want to take are mostly books that I will find useful- some cookery books and some theatre games/theory books that I'll find useful too. Then notebooks, manuscript paper, and music books. I've tried to cut it down because there are lots of books I want to take. Even though I struggle focusing (mentally, not visually- although my eyesight is not the best) when I'm reading. 

I think my brain is restless! Its not so great with words, its better audio/visually. Which is why I much prefer doing read-throughs of plays rather than reading them by myself. Or listening to audio books. Or watching films of books.

What do you think I should do? Take ONLY the essential books? Or a slightly wider selection? What would you do? Let me know in the comments.

Today, this is me being sideways:

See you tomorrow!

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