Sunday 17 August 2014


Good evening my fine chums!! 

....There is a confession I must make. Some of you may find it shocking. Particularly those who think me extremely British and middle class. I don't want you all to think differently of me. But... I don't like tea. 

....Well not the normal sort of tea that most people refer to when the say "Would you like a cup of tea?". So before you grab your torches and pitchforks, allow me to elaborate a little further. 

After having made the effort of getting myself into coffee (a decision which I whole heartedly endorse), I really did try to get into tea, because in social situations, coffee isn't always available. I tried to get into tea, but to me... it just tasted like hot water with milk in it. Even when I tried it with sugar it wasn't much better. 

this is how I felt when drinking a cup of ordinary tea:

Although that isn't a picture of my face, I feel it accurately represents my feelings towards tea. It's not tasty, and more often than not people expect you to drink it when it is TOO HOT. If I could give this photo my own caption it'd probably be "You expect me to fucking drink this?" because I CANNOT ABIDE THE BORING TASTE OF TEA.

However, as this is not the done thing here in England (or anywhere if you speak with a British accent) I have come to reach a compromise. Herbal and fruit teas. Here are a list of the teas that I WILL drink:

- Peppermint- That's the sort I usually drink because its the most common alternative to ordinary tea that is still tea but isn't coffee. Fortunately for me its caffeine free which means I can drink it at bedtime if I want to.

- Ginger - I find this is good for sore throats. Often its a lemon and ginger tea, but if you are drinking it because you have a sore throat, its good to put some honey in to help soothe the soreness! 

- Orange & cinnamon- because its christmassy and I like it!

- Blackcurrant- because anything with blackcurrants in that isn't poisonous is a good thing to eat or drink. Also its a sugarless alternative to hot Ribena. Which is also a drink of the gods. 

....So there it is splodgies. I have come out as a non-regular-tea-liker. I hope you still like me even after this monstrous revelation. 

What about you? Are you a tea liker? If not, how do people take this information when you are inevitably forced to admit that you don't want a cup full of wet leaves with milk in it? Do you have tea alternatives like me? Let me know in the comments!

Kudos to Hannah for this blog topic suggestion!

Today, this is me, trying to find a bit of my wall that you haven't already seen: 

...I haven't cut my hair off, its just tied up! 

See you tomorrow!

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