Tuesday 12 August 2014

Something new and out of the blue!

Hello Splodgekins!!

Today I got a text message out of the blue. It was an invitation! From a very good friend whom I had not seen in a considerable time! Somehow (due to a number of reasons irrelevant to the rest of this post) the proposed event was transferred to my house. 

Anyway, to cut to the chase- we made pasta! Fresh! From scratch! This is something I've never done before, but I've always wanted to do, so here are some photos: 

Makin' dough!

Rolling dough! ...because I don't own a pasta rolling machine with one of those super satisfying handles that was in the shop I was volunteering at today:

Making shapes!! Apart from the three bows, we cut the rest into tagliatelle. Once it was cut we hung it over a garlic bread dish. And a rolling pin. And the back of a chair. And a weighing pan from the scales.

This is my lovely friend Roly: 

Then we just boiled it until it tasted ready! 

....here's a sauce I made before we got started on the pasta. I thought it was a pretty neato sauce:

Et voila! Pasta a la Rosa & Roly: 

....and I don't mind telling you, it was mighty tasty. Damn fine. I would most certainly make that again. 

What's odd though is I'm not sure why I waited so long to attempt making it myself.. its so much nicer than the dry kind that you buy, and its insanely easy. I think I must have been put off by how everyone says that pasta is so hard to make. But its not!! The same way my father apparently has a phobia of making pastry because its so hard, and then any time he is presented with some food that contains home made pastry he says "I really must make pastry some time"... and then he never does it. Well, father, here is your challenge- if I can make fresh pasta, YOU can make pastry!! Give it a go!! 

What about you? Has there ever been some culinary challenge you've always wanted to face but never quite got around to doing it? Or perhaps a non-culinary challenge? Just needing an invitation or an opportunity? Let me know in the comments :) 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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