Friday 8 August 2014

I'm back home... for how long?

Hello Splodgies!!

Well I'm back from Somerset :) I had a lovely time.

It struck me though, that I don't know how much longer I will call this place home, much as I love it. My life is going to change a lot very soon, and I guess I'm lucky in that I can prepare myself for it over the next month or so. ....But then, this will still be Home home, right? Not just my base camp and home combined? 

I guess I'll have to see how I feel when it comes to it. I'm really excited to be starting a new bit of my life after waiting for so long for something like this to happen- but I still like the bit of my life that involves me living in this house. Because its got all my stuff in and I like it here. 

I've had a super long journey, but along the way I managed to purchase some music, so hopefully once I've got practised enough I'll be able to play some uke for you on this here blog!! 

Today, this is me, just having got in from a loooong journey:

See you tomorrow!

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