Tuesday 30 September 2014

My blank struggle

Hello Splodgies!

So as most of you will know (unless you either live under a rock, or don't care) that I've moved house to start my new job. On the day I moved, I wrote a blog post about how to unpack- stating that you should make your bed first, and THEN move on to decorating your room before getting on with the proper unpacking. 

...So for some time now, I've been struggling to get things to stay on the wall- and its thoroughly vexing. At first, I thought it was because I'd bought cheap, off-brand blutac at Home Bargains. Not an unreasonable conclusion to come to, no? 

I was busy ranting to a friend about how nothing was staying on my wall and how things kept falling on me in the middle of the night whilst I was trying to sleep- He suggested I try "glue dots" and after some explanation as to what they were, I decided to give them ago. 

But shit like this kept happening: 

Granted, this is happening on the wardrobe a LOT less than it was happening with blutac, and this is the notorious Wicked poster that has never happily settled on any surface, because its so determined to roll up. But my Marceline the Vampire Queen poster wasn't staying up either!! Nothing seems to want to stick to these walls! I thought it might be something to do with the fact that I had textured wall paper, but i don't think it is- I even (briefly) suspected that there was some anti-sticking agent in the paint on the wallpaper (as technically its in my contract not to use blutac on the walls, but the previous tenant living in this room as clearly also ignored that rule, just like 98% of the people who have it imposed upon them do) - even when I used sellotape to support the corners, it just came right off, leading to an evening of sort of lazy version of athletics where I'd jump out of my chair every five minutes to stop the poster falling off the wall or the wardrobe. 

I'd quite like to stick pins in the walls, but that's not allowed in my contract either, and the walls are brick under the paper anyway, so I'd have a job getting them in. 

Does anyone have any suggestions?! I really don't know what to try next! Nothing seems to want to stick to the wall!! And I want to make this room my own! I don't have a bookcase for my books, or a whole lot of surfaces upon which to put my bits and bobs- so I don't know how to make this more like mine!! 

In other interesting news, in the past hour I've found a new way to crack my left wrist and my right elbow. My life is so exciting that I tell you this. 

today, this is me with my failed dots: 

(this was before I knew that the dots would fail, hence the naive optimism in my face)

See you tomorrow!

Monday 29 September 2014

My Lovely Commute

Hello there, Splodgekins :)

I'm one of the few people, I think who can say that they genuinely enjoy their commute to work. I'm very sleepy today, so I'm just going to put some pictures up that I took from the bus today and let y'all piece the rest together. I frequently say to Becca "Look at this!! Just fucking look at this!!" Whilst gesturing to our beautiful surroundings: 

....and on my journey home, whilst the sun was setting: 

Today, this is me being filled with life-love and appreciation: 

See you tomorrow!

Sunday 28 September 2014

Online Grocery Shopping & The Mystery Stain pt. 2 [THE BIG WAIT]

Hello Splodgkins!

As we speak, I am waiting.

Waiting to see if the delivery driver can actually find my address. Waiting to see if they will say anything weird to me. I've never had my groceries delivered before- what should I expect!? Will he or she judge me for the large amounts of sainsbury's basics chocolate I have bought? Its for making brownies, I swear!! What about the cider I purchased? Am I gonna get IDd? I'm not nervous or anxious. I'm curious. I don' know what the etiquette here is. I know what the etiquette is for ordering a takeaway or signing for a parcel is. I even know how to sign for a large quantity of logs. And how to sign for a number of other things.

....but wtf am I supposed to do?? I suppose whilst I wait the only thing I can do is blog. Which I'm doing right now. Which means I will come on to the other part of the blog- the mystery stain. Yep, so as you will know from reading yesterday's blog (and if you haven't spoiler alert coming up) the mystery orange stain had still not come out of my jeans, even though I put them through the wash. So today, I went into town and went through all the charity shops and all the high street shops to try and find an equivalent pair, as they are the ones I usually wear for work, and I'm quite fond of them. Having found nothing suitable, I trundled back home feeling rather silly, because I was too paranoid that buying some stain remover would make it worse because they are often bleach based and could pull more of the colour out.

As I came into my room, and put my bag behind the door as is normal when I come in, I spot my pencil case on the desk which I affectionately (and only ever in my head until now) call the 'snack station' because its where I put my fruit and biscuits and blackcurrant cordial. When I started my A-levels, I had bought  a transparent pencil case because those are the only kind allowed in the exam rooms. So I could see what was inside my pencil case. A number of sharpies. An orange one, a purple one, two different shades of green, a light blue one, and.... a black one. 

Now, don't get me wrong, normally I'd be opposed to drawing all over my clothes in a permanent marker (unless its one of those white t-shirt socials that university societies often have; word of advice, have something else on underneath your white t-shirt that you don't mind getting wrecked) but this time I thought "It's black ink on black clothes. Where's the harm?"... so yes, I coloured in the mysterious orange stains with my black sharpie. It didn't work perfectly, but it'll do until I'm able to get hold of some others! 

...OK, buds!! My shopping arrived!! A smiley woman who said her name was Julie stood on the doorstep and asked me if she had the right address, and as we don't have a number on our door or a sign on our street (we're the only house on the street, but the lack of street sign could confuse anybody) I said "Yes, don't worry we get that a lot" and she explained a whole spiel of stuff about online shopping and that they'd had everything in stock that I had ordered. One thing I didn't like was that I had to take the boxes into the kitchen, unload the bags and take the boxes back out again. This would've been fine, but they seemed to arrive in odd times, so it looked like Julie was always standing around.... I'm sure that's not what was happening though. But that's how it felt! The other thing I was a bit iffy on was I said "do you need to ID me or anything?" as I'd ordered cider. She said "No, I'm not being funny, but you look over 25" which I can't work out if it was a compliment or not for a 23 year old. What do you think?

....All in all I think i will do it again- I got a voucher for £1 off Cravendale milk for my next shop!! So perhaps I will utilise it ;) 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow! 

Saturday 27 September 2014

Online Groceries & The Mystery Stain

Good Evening Splodgies!!

Today, I decided that it was time to enter the murky world of online grocery shopping. And it was all fine and dandy, and all that jazz, but then I put a status up about it on facebook and it went something like this:

Me: ....I've entered the murky world of online grocery shopping....

I felt very indignant at my brother's ignorance when it comes to living independantly, but then remembered he hadn't done it himself yet as he is a bit younger than I am, but I was pleased to have the support of Amber and Dec. Plus I didn't know that HomeyB was a new slang for Home Bargains, but I think I quite like it! 

Anyway, shortly after completing my order, I realised I had NOT ordered any coffee, which was one of the things most crucial on the list!! So I had to go back and amend my order... I was feeling slightly miffed, because it was asking me for my card details a second time, but the email confirmation ASSURED me that it would only charge me once... so that remains to be seen! And it should arrive tomorrow evening so full steam ahead! If I have a good experience with online shopping perhaps it will become a regular thing, I'll keep you posted! 

A couple of other odd things happened to me today too. Firstly, I found some mysterious orange stains on my black jeans. It looked a little bit like I'd been splashed by a passing car driving through a puddle but the puddle was made of bleach rather than rain water and autumnal leaves and various other debris. So as soon as I noticed I decided I'd to a load of laundry (just a little one!). When the cycle had finished, I thought "great, and its breezy too, perfect weather for drying clothes" which was almost immediately replaced with the rather pissed off thought "Shit, I forgot to check for tissues in my pockets" because now ALL the clothes I'd washed had tiny little bits of tissue on them. And to make matters worse, the orange stains were still there. I have no idea what it could be or how they could've got there, because the last time I wore them I was in the office most of the day...! 

Secondly I was coming downstairs into the kitchen and I was surprised to see my landlord in there absent mindedly looking out of the window (well, it was more of a glare, but somehow he managed to make this look absent minded) and I was all ready to launch into a "Our contract says you're to give us 24 hours notice in writing for inspections" type rant when he said he was here to;
a) show a potential new housemate around and,
b) sort out the shower in the upstairs bathroom.

I never use that bathroom anyway because there is one on my floor, so I wasn't too bothered by the news about the shower, but I was intrigued by the news of a potential new housemate. Anyway, long story short when I got back from purchasing my biscuits (the ones I wanted hadn't been on offer when i did my online shopping, and I knew that they would be on offer at the co-op down the road) I saw the new housemate getting in her car saying "I'm off to sort my deposit!" so it looks like she'll be moving in soon! 

....all in all, for a day when I felt like I didn't do very much, it was kinda semi-eventful! 

Today, this is me sitting in the bath deciding if I should have a bath: 

Spoiler alert- I didn't have the bath.

See you tomorrow!