Saturday 27 September 2014

Late Postings

Hello Splodgies!!

My apologies for not uploading this yesterday- But my phone was refusing to upload, so in the end I decided to give up and wait until later, but then I got distracted by a number of things including skype and pesto. I'll post twice today, don't worry! So here's what I WOULD have posted yesterday: 

Ahoy there splodgearoos! 

Look what was waiting for me when I came home today!

A letter!! #tacticallycoveringmyaddresssointernetstrangerswon'tknockonmydooratrandom. 

It was from Bernadette! And it was very much appreciated :) I always love getting letters- I was speaking to my great aunt on the phone (probably one of the only times I've EVER spoken to her, its less frequently than once in a blue moon, but I'd actually been phoning to speak to my grandma, who I talk to on a semi-regular basis, but it was great aunt Joan that picked up the phone. That rhymes -giggle-) And she was telling me how people never send letters to each other anymore, and I pointed out that I DO send letters and very much enjoy receiving them! 

If anyone wants to send me something, I'll give you my address! ....So long as you're not someone I don't know.... So basically, if you're my friend. In which case you probably already have my address. Or know someone who does.

Today, this is me in the office, sans le boss: 

See you tomorrow(Later today)

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