Saturday 6 September 2014

How To Unpack- A Guide For Noobs.

Hello Splodgies!

What a day it has been! I've moved house! And I am very pleased.

When I got to the house, the landlord told me that a larger room was available and I could have that one instead if I preferred. And I looked at it. And I did prefer. Once Ruth and I had got all my stuff out of the car and into the relevant rooms, we sped off to Morrisons to get some fruit and vegetables and she torpedoed back to Lancashire. So I began to unpack my things in the room in which I now find myself. 

This wasn't what I looked like, but I thought this was a hilarious picture when I google searched "Unpacking" so I decided I'd include it in today's post 

Which oh so smoothly segues into today's topic! How to unpack!!

I think there is a good order in which to unpack your stuff:
  • Unpack and put away ALL the stuff that will be in communal spaces first. That way its not hanging around in boxes getting in your housemates/flatmates/roommates way. 
  • Make up your bed. This way if you get absolutely knackered doing your unpacking, you can just flop down onto your bed and take a nap. Or even just a full on sleep, if you need it
  • Put posters, photos, pictures etc on the walls. At the moment, all I have on my walls are 5 Polaroid pictures and two scraper foil pictures, one of a leopard and one of a tiger. I did put a poster up from the UK and Ireland tour of Wicked, but it keeps curling up and deciding it doesn't want to be on my wardrobe door. I didn't bring any posters from home because I want my room in my hometown to stay as it is for when I visit on some weekends. I'll see if I can get some more tomorrow.
  • Clothes! Time to put away clothes.
  • Then put away suitcases. 
  • During this whole task, have music on if possible. When you find your laptop in whatever box or suitcase its been packed away in, get it out, and bung on some tunes. When all the rest of your box/suitcase contents are empty, THEN you can think about using the Internet and so on! 

And that is my guide of how to unpack. 

Today, this is me, before my poster fell off my wardrobe:

See you tomorrow!

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