Saturday 20 September 2014

The Great Boat Race

Hello Splodgies!!

Today, I went on an adventure! I went to a charity boat race to cheer on my team. Even though it was a Saturday, I got up at the normal time to go to work (Are you proud??) and got on my bus to Keswick to meet my friend and fellow intern Becca (as seen below!) who said to turn up at the lakeside for 10.15. So that's what I did.

....Little did we know we were on the wrong side of the lake!! So the team sent someone round for us with minutes until the first race! ...which unfortunately we missed, so we had to rearrange to race someone else. 

Here's a picture of the team before they all got their life jackets on.

Sadly we didn't win our first race... or our third. But we DID win our second!! and a fun time was had by all. I did have a video of the photo finish but uploading it from my phone appears to be something of an issue... I have no idea why... I tried to upload it using my Youtube App, but it seems to be stuck on "preparing to upload"... so. Sorry about that! If it ever gets un-stuck, I'll update this post or put it in a later one, but for now I do have a picture! 

See the arms and the paddles raised in victory? That's victory stance, that is. And we (well, I really) decided that when we lost our final race we had the moral victory as we were racing against the Carlisle police force- all of whom have a required level of fitness for their jobs whereas we were a mixture of actors, practitioners and techies with no such requirements. Plus the police team came 2nd last year, apparently, and the team that came first did not enter the competition this year, so really it was no surprise that we lost to the police team. 

Those of you who are also biscuity fans will be pleased to know that there is a new biscuity blog post coming out tomorrow! This time featuring the much revered McVitie's Boaster. 

Also, y'all should go and vote for Beau to get this sports grant from Mars Milk! Here's the link:

Today, this is me wearing a tall hat and feeling very self-important:

See you tomorrow!! 

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