Sunday 21 September 2014

Ode To Another Blog

Hello splodgies!!

Today, I took a long-coming trip back to my other blog. It was nice to get back to, as its been just over six months since I posted on biscuity blog. 

There are a number of reasons why it has been so long since I posted on the biscuity blog- firstly I had not eaten any new kinds of biscuits in quite some time. Secondly I'm super busy on this blog! Ok, so sometimes I don't write very much on here for reason this that or the other. But other times I write loads! so I hope you'll forgive me for not writing on here very much today, I feel like I'm all blogged out from my extensive biscuity review of the mcvitie's boaster!! If you want to have a look here is the link to the other blog:

Today, this is me looking into my enormous mug of coffee: 

See you tomorrow!

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