Saturday 27 September 2014

Online Groceries & The Mystery Stain

Good Evening Splodgies!!

Today, I decided that it was time to enter the murky world of online grocery shopping. And it was all fine and dandy, and all that jazz, but then I put a status up about it on facebook and it went something like this:

Me: ....I've entered the murky world of online grocery shopping....

I felt very indignant at my brother's ignorance when it comes to living independantly, but then remembered he hadn't done it himself yet as he is a bit younger than I am, but I was pleased to have the support of Amber and Dec. Plus I didn't know that HomeyB was a new slang for Home Bargains, but I think I quite like it! 

Anyway, shortly after completing my order, I realised I had NOT ordered any coffee, which was one of the things most crucial on the list!! So I had to go back and amend my order... I was feeling slightly miffed, because it was asking me for my card details a second time, but the email confirmation ASSURED me that it would only charge me once... so that remains to be seen! And it should arrive tomorrow evening so full steam ahead! If I have a good experience with online shopping perhaps it will become a regular thing, I'll keep you posted! 

A couple of other odd things happened to me today too. Firstly, I found some mysterious orange stains on my black jeans. It looked a little bit like I'd been splashed by a passing car driving through a puddle but the puddle was made of bleach rather than rain water and autumnal leaves and various other debris. So as soon as I noticed I decided I'd to a load of laundry (just a little one!). When the cycle had finished, I thought "great, and its breezy too, perfect weather for drying clothes" which was almost immediately replaced with the rather pissed off thought "Shit, I forgot to check for tissues in my pockets" because now ALL the clothes I'd washed had tiny little bits of tissue on them. And to make matters worse, the orange stains were still there. I have no idea what it could be or how they could've got there, because the last time I wore them I was in the office most of the day...! 

Secondly I was coming downstairs into the kitchen and I was surprised to see my landlord in there absent mindedly looking out of the window (well, it was more of a glare, but somehow he managed to make this look absent minded) and I was all ready to launch into a "Our contract says you're to give us 24 hours notice in writing for inspections" type rant when he said he was here to;
a) show a potential new housemate around and,
b) sort out the shower in the upstairs bathroom.

I never use that bathroom anyway because there is one on my floor, so I wasn't too bothered by the news about the shower, but I was intrigued by the news of a potential new housemate. Anyway, long story short when I got back from purchasing my biscuits (the ones I wanted hadn't been on offer when i did my online shopping, and I knew that they would be on offer at the co-op down the road) I saw the new housemate getting in her car saying "I'm off to sort my deposit!" so it looks like she'll be moving in soon! 

....all in all, for a day when I felt like I didn't do very much, it was kinda semi-eventful! 

Today, this is me sitting in the bath deciding if I should have a bath: 

Spoiler alert- I didn't have the bath.

See you tomorrow!

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