Monday 8 September 2014

The Origin of Brownie-dom

Hello Splodges!

Today, I'd had a really great first day at work and when I came home I was all happy and cheery. But a few hours after getting home I inexplicably turned into a grumpy grumpbum. So I started talking to a friend about it. She told me I should do something that makes me happy, and as I don't have any origami paper to make birds out of and my uke isn't helping much tonight, she suggested I make brownies. 

...This was a great idea, except that I don't have any ingredients for brownies... or at least, not all of them. But I do have a brownie story! The story of brownie origin and how I came to be Aber-famed for making brownies. Hopefully this will cheer me up!

In my first year of university, Nej (who was actually the one who suggested I write the brownie story!) was my housemate. She is also a super-keen baker. We both claimed to have the best brownies. So ... to test this theory, we had A BAKE OFF. As I recall, this was before The Great British Bake Off existed - I just looked up when the first series was, and it was definitely after Nej and I had our bake off, so I reckon they just stole our idea. 

So we went on a little trip to Morrisons, which in the end became a regular little jaunt we took together. We got all the ingredients we needed, each selecting what we needed for our different recipes. Nej bought super high quality Lindt dark chocolate, whilst I bought cheapshit dark chocolate. 

When we got back to our flat, we spent the afternoon weighing everything and measuring and mixing and baking. And licking out the bowls too- that is an essential part of baking. 

When everything was all out of the oven, we plated them up and told our flatmates and friends from the block that they could help themselves and we left them to it. A day later, the results were back.  Nej's plate was half empty... and mine had only crumbs left upon it. I think it safe to say that I won that particular match. 

After this, word got out! In my third year I was making them every couple of weeks- people's birthdays, freshers fair, society events and so on- they always have fun times attached. 

And its always good to have some brownies anyway! NOMNOM.

Wow. That photo is oooold! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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