Wednesday 3 September 2014

Stuff. I have stuff.

Hey Splodgies! 

Today, I've been attempting to pack. This is what it looked like at about 7pm:

I have since done more packing. I can't help but feel a little sad that the majority of my possessions will fit in the back of a car, though. Not because I feel like I don't own many things, because I do own A LOT of things. Just because some of my favourite things, I'm going to have to do without for a while. My bed for example. And my birds. And my bookshelf. All B-beginning items, completely by coincidence. I will also need blutac. But I won't take my beanie babies. I will take some books, but not all of them. I need a bulb for the lamp I'm taking. But I've already got bedding. And I'll have to take my back pack too! I did get a very fetching new biscuit tin too (you can see it in the corner of my suitcase. Its blue with puffins on)

Also to be added to this pile of stuff is a smaller suitcase containing t-shirts and almost nothing else. And three ukuleles. And a box of kitchen stuff.

Any tips for moving house? What should I take?? What should I leave behind?? 

Let me know in the comments :) 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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