Friday 5 September 2014

The Frisbee Saga

Dear Splodgies!

Apologies for not posting this yesterday, but there seemed to be a problem getting my blogpost from my phone to my computer yesterday and then whilst I was attempting to solve the problem I got distracted! So now that the problem is solved, here's yesterday's post! 

I was supposed to be doing lots of packing today! But instead, I played Frisbee with my friend Troy and my brother, then we ate ice cream and watched Cloud Atlas. 

There is a story behind the Frisbee however! When I turned 18, my friend Tom gave me an Aerobie Pro Sprint Frisbee (technically "amazing flying ring" but we all call them Frisbees, don't we?) and I had it a little while and then one day when a great big group of us went to the park for a picnic we were all playing with the Frisbee having a grand old time and then Troy accidentally threw it into a tree. But this wasn't like any old tree that you could shake the branches of or climb up to retrieve a Frisbee from- this was an ENORMOUS evergreen of some kind, so wasn't exactly easy to climb because all the branches were thin and pointing downwards. And it was in a shady spot which meant even though the Frisbee was brightly coloured, because the foliage was so dense it was very difficult to see. The boys spent most of the rest of the afternoon trying to get it out. But unfortunately their valiant efforts proved to be in vain. Troy said he'd get me a new one, so it was all gonna be fine. However, I think that would've been in 2009. 

And this was not the first time he had attempted to replace my Frisbee though! When I was in London in March and I paid Troy a visit, we went all round Camden looking for an Aerobie (because they are not just like any old Frisbee!) and we couldn't find one anywhere!! 

So as of now, I am the proud owner of a new, aerobie sprint amazing flying ring. 

And make no mistake. Its going in my suitcase.

Today, this is me and my friend Rachel at the pub: 

See you tomorrow!

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