Tuesday 23 September 2014


Good evening my fine readers :)

This evening I have been watching Alien:

And aside from thinking things like "Wow, Ridley Scott really knows how to make films about aliens" and "Why does nobody listen to Ripley in the first place, they should've followed quarantine laws" I can't help but look at the things that they believed would be in an age of space tourism and be both impressed that we still haven't (really) got to space tourism given our current rate of advancing in science and being utterly amazed (and amused) that the screens in the ship were still all black with green writing a la 1980s. They didn't even imagine that touch screen, or voice recognition might exist- or if they did there was no trace of this in the film. And this film was released 12 years before I was even born! 

Really the computers on the ship in Alien were just telling them what was happening, rather than making calculations or predictions or communications. Mostly monitoring machines. 

and if that was all going on then think of the dizzying heights of technology we might be yet to reach!! A biological 3D printer that can literally print your DNA? How about something that accurately records and simulates memories or dreams? What about a bullshit detector for the gullible? All these things might exist! And I'm excited for them to start existing. Especially the bullshit detector. 

And if they were wrong about the future of tech, so could we be too. And that's the thrill of not knowing! 

P.S: My mum is off to Kenya tomorrow, so have a look at the projects she's going to be helping run whilst she's there: 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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