Tuesday 2 September 2014

Stalemate, Kitty!

Hey Splodgies! 

Firstly, apologies for the lateness of the post again. The more astute amongst my readers will have noticed that this frequently happens of a tuesday night. 

As I'm really sleepy, I'll just share a couple of things with you tonight- Firstly this picture I got on my way home this evening. 

I walked around ther corner- and this cat was on top of the wall, just staring at me! We stood and stared at each other for a few, silent moments. I thought the cat would jump on my hat (I was wearing my panda hat) and scratch my head and face. But it seemed to be waiting for me to move. It flinched as I started to reach into my pocket to get out my phone to take the picture. But it seemed to think that it was in charge in this situation, so it let me take the picture, even with the flash on, and let me walk away It ran along the top of the wall, so I pretended not to notice so that it would eventually see reason and realise that as a domestic cat, it could not carry a fully grown (though admittedly small) adult human back to wherever it was living and eat me for a midnight snack. 

What about you? Eve been taken aback by the sudden appearence of a cat and found yourself in a stalemate? Let me know in the comments! 

Today, this is me and me friend James at the pub quiz. We were on a circular table, so we actually had quite a large team!: 

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