Tuesday 16 September 2014

....Which seat shall I taaaaaake?

Hey Splodgies!

I worked something out a few minutes ago... well, more of a question really. If Scotland votes yes on leaving the UK, would we, in England be able to sing Auld Lang Syne at New Year without imagining some resentment from Scotland? ....would we have to do more "English" things? (Which in my opinion generally means more boring) Will Wales follow? Will we have to gradually phase out all the pound coins that have Scottish symbols on, like the thistle? What about 5p coins?? They nearly ALL have thistles on apart from the most recent. We'd be living in a country severely lacking in 5ps where we couldn't sing Auld Lang Syne at New Year without feeling like we'd stolen something Scottish.

.....Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. If I'm absolutely honest, I don't know enough about the Scottish Independence debate to make an informed opinion. But most of the non-political reasons I can think of fall in the "No" side of the debate- for reasons such as "I'd like to be able to sing Auld Lang Syne at New Year without having a lingering sense of it being a bit like stealing" or "The Union flag is going to look a bit shit without any blue in it" and "I quite like coins with thistles on" 

....and not having been born in, and never having lived in Scotland, I don't get a vote on it either, so currently I feel there is very little for me to gain from reading up on the political sides of the debate on top of deciding whether or not the flag would look rubbish. 

What about Eurovision!? Would they still be in the Big Six for Eurovision?! Perhaps it would become the Big Seven?? Would they even WANT to be in Eurovision? Would they want to be in the EU?! 

....I might need to get my priorities sorted out. There are lots of things I like about Scotland, even though its been many years since I went there, and those who know me know I have a very enthusiastic love of Wales. The only part of the UK that I don't really feel connected to is Northern Ireland, and that's because I've never been there, and I've only met a few people from there, none of whom I was especially close to. I know there is a difference between Britain and the UK (obviously) and I like to think that the reasons we are a United Kingdom are that we, the people living here, have some common values, and share a bit of land. Nothing to do with the Queen or the monarchy or the old empire. I'd like to think that Scotland likes that too. So for that reason, I'm probably falling in the No category. Even though I'm living closer to it than I ever have before, I still think I'd miss it. 

Today, this is me, after looking up the chords to Auld Lang Syne:

See you tomorrow!

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