Monday 22 September 2014


Hello Splodgies!

So I'm having a great time sitting with my friend, eating my lunch and feeding the ducks. 

It's pretty great here- I mean this is the norm: 

.....ok, I am utterly thrilled to be here! No sarcasm!! I really am! I had such a great time at work today, I can't wait to go in tomorrow! Always something new, always something interesting! I'm so lucky! 

And someone at work put me onto an open mic night sorta thing in a nearby town, so I'm gonna do a little digging and probably go and check it out! Sounds like it could be fun! I'll take my ukulele and everything and see what its all about- who knows, I might even make some friends, which would be nice as so far outside my work and my house I've not made any new friends. And I'm the kind of person who thrives on having friends...! 

Isn't life great? 

Today this is my and my mate Judy Dench, just chilling out: 

See you tomorrow!

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