Friday 12 September 2014


Hello Splodgies!

After walking a mile around an industrial estate and getting lost, then finding myself in the delivery dock of B&Q then getting lost again, falling in a seemingly random hole in some equally random grass and possibly spraining my hand, I eventually found my way to the supermarket and inside there was something that cause me....instant suspicion:

....Green Coca Cola. Its something that is ever so slightly wrong, so as to suggest that the new person at work in the factory where they manufacture my delusional version of reality had not properly done their homework. That or the newbie suffered from red green colourblindness and didn't tell anyone. Kind of like a glitch. And I can think this about all sorts of things, like if one bus service arrives before another, but the second one usually gets there first. Or if I've found that the tiling system somewhere has to be altered in a way that my brain struggles to comprehend to fit into the space it's in. 

I often think "Perhaps this is all just some front and everyone is in on it except me- even that person over there who seems to be doing nothing." kind of like a cross over between The Matrix and The Trueman Show.

Sometimes I feel as if when something seems wrong, and it can be the tiniest thing, like the colour of the coke bottles, that nobody else seems to have noticed, and I'm the only one who thinks anything is amiss, and I must take note of it immediately because if I don't, its bound to be a clue to solving a mystery or I'll have been unwittingly involved in some psychological experiment to see who has noticed the change. 

I think its because of my brain's determination to categorise things into "normal (for other people)", and then "Normal (for my daily life)" or "Not normal". I spend so much time having my brain triggered into suspicion by these not normal changes, that I have kind of built up a tolerance to them. A bit like alcohol tolerance. So much so that, unless the change I'm experiencing is so major that I can't help myself from pointing it out to the people I'm with. Having said that though, I tend to get more suspicious, more frequently when I am alone in public places where I am not in control of the environment as I would be (to a certain extent at least) at home. 

And its not as if I'm not open to change, its that when there is change, there has to be a good reason for it. On closer inspection, these coke bottles claimed to be made with natural sweeteners (or some claim to having natural ingredients, I can't remember- and the picture isn't that clear) which made me think "Well what the hell have they been making coke out of before, then?" Though not being a person who likes coke, I simply gave myself a smug smirk and walked off. 

Perhaps I'm not alone in thinking that I'm the only person that recognises these small changes in my day-to-day life, for in the words of the great Slartibartfast "Oh that's just perfectly normal paranoia, everyone in the universe gets that" 

what about you? do you spot strange things that nobody else seems to notice? Let me know in the comments :) My apologies if this post has been a little inarticualte, I'm just very tired whilst writing it. But I hope you all understand what I mean! 

Today, this is me on my way home having survived and thoroughly enjoyed my first week in my new work: 

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You think that's bad
    Imagine what it's like to look out of a train window and see. ...
    two suns
    Nerner ner ner nerner ner ner
    (Twilight zone music)
