Thursday 18 September 2014

You missed a parcel...

Hey Splodgies! 

Ever had yourself a strange situation in which, despite having an address and a GPS you are completely lost unable to find the place you are looking for?

No, I'm not just a plonker who can't use a GPS properly, but because the building doesn't seem to exist. I spent AAAAGES looking around for the Royal Mail Delivery office. And I eventually found myself wandering around looking for a building on an industrial estate walking further and further away from society.

And to make matters worse, it was a super hot day, at high noon and I was carrying all my heavy shopping (in retrospect, I should have got the parcel before going shopping, but I had only been planning on getting four things, but ended up getting a few more and hadn't realised that I would be walking so much further) 

So you can imagine my excitement and over-inflated ego when, after walking through what seemed like at least 2 miles of barren wasteland, I came across the delivery office and went inside. Expecting to hear busy sounds and see parcels on conveyor belts and so on, I push open the door.

....what an anticlimax. 

It was utterly silent (probably soundproofed from all the cool things they do in the back when they pretend they're working) all there was, was a small blue room and a pane of glass next to which was a bell and a sign that said "please ring for assistance"

....the most exciting thing that happened whilst I was there waiting was a little old lady pulled up, mounting the doorstep to the delivery office, hopped out of her car (as if she hadn't spotted the clearly marked parking spaces in front of the building) and marched inside yelling "I've STILL not paid enough postage! They told me I had the right stamps!" at which point she came up to me and said "well? Have you rung the bell yet?" I replied and told her that the bloke had already gone out the back to fetch my parcel. that was the sum-total of my non-work related news. I did have a good time at work today, but I'm not sure what the rules are for mentioning stuff about work on here, so until I'm absolutely certain of the rules, I'm not going to mention work on this blog- except for the fact that I am THOROUGHLY enjoying it.

I'm just really grateful that the parcel was delivered by Royal Mail rather than by some hideous courier- those of you who know me well know that I have a long standing grudge against the delivery network (or at least that's what it claims to be) called Yodel. 

Today, this is me, super pleased to have finally got my parcel:

See you tomorrow!

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