Tuesday 9 September 2014

Perks and rec

Hey Splodgies!

So this is where I ate my lunch today-

Pretty suhweeeeet, right? Well, its a perk of my job. 

Which got me thinking, even though I'm only been in it two days, I think there are quite a few perks to my job. Aside from the obvious occasional complimentary tickets and the staff discount in the cafes- the most major perk of my job is that I really enjoy what I'm doing. Which I think is the greatest perk there is!! 

There must be so many people who either actively loathe their jobs because they aren't doing something they want to do, or its very stressful or it doesn't pay them enough. And I appreciate that lots of people work hard and feel like their efforts don't pay off- which is why I'm feeling super grateful that mine has. I'm so lucky! 

Today, me and my fellow intern were very quickly ushered out of the office by our boss who looked very serious about something. Immediate first thoughts were "Shit, what have we done. Wait, we've not done anything. Is everything ok?" ...to our pleasant surprise (and relief), we were being hurried over to a studio to watch a play that was about to begin. And tomorrow the adventure continues! 

What about you? Got any perks in your job? Let me know in the comments :)

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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