Wednesday 24 September 2014

Kick start my social life

Hello Splodgies! 

in yesterday's blog I mentioned that I was going to be going to an open mic sesh tonight in a nearby town. And I went!! 

I thoroughly enjoyed myself, though a number of strange/unfortunate things happened, that I'd really rather wished hadn't happened:

1) I missed my bus getting there- meaning that I arrived about an hour late. Also I didn't have time to go home after work to have some dinner and fetch one of my ukuleles, so I had to eat an utterly REVOLTING pasta salad from the salad bar at Booths next to the bus station, sat alone, on a bench in the dark as it got chilly.

2) There didn't seem to be anybody my age there- I saw with a couple of people who seemed close to my age and we had a bit of a chat, and they seemed nice, so I hope I'll see them again next time I go

3) It was the owner's birthday, and there was a giant delicious looking cake, but it was a chocolate and peanut butter cake so I couldn't join in the birthday festivities :( I thought that the whole anaphylactic shock thing might put a downer on the birthday times- but it looked so tasty! 

4) Things seemed to be winding down not long after I arrived- meaning I had to make a very quick choice between staying and leaving in order to get the bus. In the end, I dashed for it, and was very nearly abandoned by the bus, but by standing in the road directly infront of the oncoming lane of the road where the bus was coming, I was able to chase it around the corner after a gesture from the driver and hop on. Luckily somebody I had met at the boat race last weekend was also on the bus and we had a nice chat :) 

Today, this is me going for our pre-meeting trundle with my fellow intern: 

See you tomorrow!

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