Monday 1 September 2014

Sometimes, I feel very small

Hello Splodge readers!

Sometimes, I feel very small. Cosmologically, speaking that is. I find it really fascinating that all the atoms that make me up were all originally something else, somewhere else. That all the elements that make up all the molecules that make up me, were once in some mind blowingly hot heart of a star. Its that cheesy line. "We are all made of stardust". I mean, technically, its true. 

I am a tiny, insignificant bit of carbon existing for a fraction of a blip of time. My existence will unlikely have any bearing whatsoever on the future of my planet. Sure, I'll have some effect on the people that know me (hopefully!) and perhaps even some effect on people I don't know. For the better, ideally. 

...But that's OK by me :) There are very few people who in the history of time and space who would make it into the encyclopedia of Earth. So I'm quite happy to be with in the historically anonymous. 

Not believing in a God or heaven and hell or anything like that, I do like to think that once I've died, and my various organs have been donated where possible, all the atoms that have made up my flesh-skeleton house for my mind will either burn and become part of the air, or be buried and become part of the ground. Then eventually become something else. And then in billions of millenia when the planet is engulfed by the dying star that is our sun, my atoms (that may have belonged to someone else since me! Come to think of it, the atoms that make me might already have belonged to someone else from history!) become a star again. 

It's not often that I fall into such an existential or philosophical a muse, but that's usually because I tend to live in the present as much as I can.  

What about you? Do you ever find yourself pondering your mark on the history of space and time? Surely I can't be the only one! Let me know in the comments :)

....Also I made a massive chocolate cake today to take into Oxfam tomorrow as its my last day before I move off for my new job. Perhaps this is what I'll be remembered for!

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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