Tuesday 30 September 2014

My blank struggle

Hello Splodgies!

So as most of you will know (unless you either live under a rock, or don't care) that I've moved house to start my new job. On the day I moved, I wrote a blog post about how to unpack- stating that you should make your bed first, and THEN move on to decorating your room before getting on with the proper unpacking. 

...So for some time now, I've been struggling to get things to stay on the wall- and its thoroughly vexing. At first, I thought it was because I'd bought cheap, off-brand blutac at Home Bargains. Not an unreasonable conclusion to come to, no? 

I was busy ranting to a friend about how nothing was staying on my wall and how things kept falling on me in the middle of the night whilst I was trying to sleep- He suggested I try "glue dots" and after some explanation as to what they were, I decided to give them ago. 

But shit like this kept happening: 

Granted, this is happening on the wardrobe a LOT less than it was happening with blutac, and this is the notorious Wicked poster that has never happily settled on any surface, because its so determined to roll up. But my Marceline the Vampire Queen poster wasn't staying up either!! Nothing seems to want to stick to these walls! I thought it might be something to do with the fact that I had textured wall paper, but i don't think it is- I even (briefly) suspected that there was some anti-sticking agent in the paint on the wallpaper (as technically its in my contract not to use blutac on the walls, but the previous tenant living in this room as clearly also ignored that rule, just like 98% of the people who have it imposed upon them do) - even when I used sellotape to support the corners, it just came right off, leading to an evening of sort of lazy version of athletics where I'd jump out of my chair every five minutes to stop the poster falling off the wall or the wardrobe. 

I'd quite like to stick pins in the walls, but that's not allowed in my contract either, and the walls are brick under the paper anyway, so I'd have a job getting them in. 

Does anyone have any suggestions?! I really don't know what to try next! Nothing seems to want to stick to the wall!! And I want to make this room my own! I don't have a bookcase for my books, or a whole lot of surfaces upon which to put my bits and bobs- so I don't know how to make this more like mine!! 

In other interesting news, in the past hour I've found a new way to crack my left wrist and my right elbow. My life is so exciting that I tell you this. 

today, this is me with my failed dots: 

(this was before I knew that the dots would fail, hence the naive optimism in my face)

See you tomorrow!

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