Sunday 14 September 2014

Sock Mysteries.

Hey there Splodgies!

...I reckon it's safe to say that we've all been there. Missing socks from the washing machine. Somehow, they're there when you put your clothes in, and when you get them out a sock is gone. Sometimes two. But always from different pairs, just to make life more difficult. But today I had the opposite problem- I had a sock appear in my washing! This one! :

...But I checked the machine before I put my clothes in that it was definitely absolutely empty, and what's weirder is that this is a girls sock (judging by the style and size) and I am the only girl living in this house. So where has it come from?!? In fact, how is it that socks are so prone to this magical vanishing? I like to think that they're all gathered together somewhere like this: 

And all the socks live together in some happy, blissful SockLand, ruled over by the orange sock I once lost in the river whilst camping (long story short, when I was about 8 the river was flooded and I was washing my favourite orange socks in it. I accidently let one of them go, and my dad ran after it. He never caught it, and I was most upset.) And then that sock's second in command would be the sheep-patterned sock I lost in the wash after only having worn it once! Evidently, one of the pair of sheep socks decided that socking just really wasn't for it. In reality I think it's more like this:

I feel like the universe is conspiring against everyone who wears socks. In my house at home, we call the sock thief "The mystery mover" who also gets blamed for other stuff such as corkscrews or various bags or gloves. To an outside observer, it may seem like we are renaming our carelessnesses or forgetfulness. But we are not. The "mystery mover" is for when things have completely disappeared of the face of the planet. Much like in the picture above. 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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