Friday 5 September 2014

Twas the night before moving....

Hello Splodgies!

Tomorrow is the big day! I'm moving house! To Cumbria! Isn't that exciting!?? Yes it is. And it is also terrifying. But I'm gonna do it anyway! ...I've written an adaptation of "the night before christmas" and changed the words to fit "the night before moving"

Twas the night before moving and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The suitcases lined up in the hallway with care
In the hope that come the morning, a car would be there.

My family, and chickens all snug in the beds
Whilst visions of shifting stuff swam in their heads
My mother asleep, and my brother awake
I knew I should sleep- its late, for god's sake!

When out on the tracks there arose such a clatter
I sprang not from my bed to see what was the matter
For I knew that the sound, so loud, was a train
In an hour another would come past again

The car, now fixed, awaits in the garage
The mechanic's skill was good, not disparaged.
The tank is half full and I'm raring to go
I'm glad that we won't be driving through snow

My Mum, Ruth's the driver, though lively and quick
Is certainly different from my Father, Nick.
For Ruth likes to swear at bad passing drivers
And Nick will by road coffee, wasting his fivers. 

The leaves on the trees will be falling soon
Perhaps in the light of an autumnal moon? 
But they won't bother us, we'll just drive through!
To Workington, Cumbria! And all things there too! 

I know when we get there, I'll be tired and hot
I might feel quite grumpy, but know I should not.
The landlord will meet us and give me my keys
And carrying suitcases may worsen my knees.

My housemates, none but one I have met
Will hopefully be cool, like winning a bet.
I'm slightly stressed that I've not met them yet
I feel like I'm playing housemate roulette. 

What kind of a gamble could I be taking? 
This kind of thing should not be mistaken.
For I could be here for quite some time
And I'm struggling to find enough things to rhyme. 

To be fair, I'm only just in from the pub
And hoping my poem "won't give you no trub!"
For I'm only trying to do a cheap rip off,
So don't be a mean bean or literature snob.

I know full well that I am no poet
And here's a great example of how I show it
These words on the page, this blogpost you see:
A housewarming gift from myself to me. 

And even though I'm still not gone
Perhaps someone will convert this to song?
For there must be somebody else out there
With time to waste, and gifts to share.

Twas the night before moving, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. 
Rosa decided its time to get dreaming,
Instead of facebook or skype or musical streaming. 

Today this is me:

See you tomorrow! In a new place!

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