Saturday 28 June 2014

1000 Acts of Kindness

So this morning, a friend of mine put me onto this:

The idea in short is that people go to the Southbank centre in London, and film themselves making a little paper crane and writing a pledge of kindness on the inside. And I thought it looked pretty cool! So as I couldn't get to the Southbak Centre at this short notice, I did a video of my own filming me making a little pledge of kindness. It was just a quick thing thrown together on iMovie, but I was suprised how well it worked together- so take a look and tell me what you think! 

If you're in London or nearby, you should definitely go down there and have a go! Its there today until the 3rd of July, I believe. I'll probably do a "how to" style blogpost for how to make the cranes at some point in the future because I did it quite quickly in the video and it might be easier with pictures anyway.

In other news, today we got some new chickens! They are called Siouxsie and Sheena. Because they are awesome! Here's a photo: 

The one on the right is Siouxsie and the one on the left is Sheena. 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow,

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