Wednesday 18 June 2014

Purely for my entertainment

Good Evening splodgelings!!

Firstly, please allow me to apologise- the past few posts have been after midnight... so not technically on the day they were intended for. But I'm going to try and change that! I've been very busy for an unemployed person the last couple of days.

Secondly, DailySplodge is now exactly one month old and has reached over 1000 views!! Hurrah for that and applause all round to those who put up with my silly rambling every day. 

Now! On to today's topic!! 

Purely for my entertainment- this basically is because I do some stuff in my life, that may appear to be extremely stupid or pointless, for the pure and simple fact that it entertains me-

"Rosa, why are you washing your orange socks in the river when its so clearly flooding?"
"For fun!" -the time I lost a sock whilst camping.

"Rosa, why are you balancing that broom on your hand?"
"For fun!" - the time I nearly poked my friend in the eye with a falling broom.

"Rosa, don't you think you've had enough of that helium?"
"No! I'm having too much fun!" - the time someone's deflating helium balloon suddenly became my best friend in the lower 6th common room.

"Rosa, you really shouldn't be starting an illegal gambling ring in the common room"
"But its fun!" - the time my head of 6th form saw me and friends playing cards for pennies

"Rosa, you're going to throw up if you keep spinning round on that chair"
"Yeah, but its worth it, its fun!" - the time I threw up from spinning on a chair

"Rosa,  don't you think neon blue, ultraviolet hair gel might be a bit over the top?"
"Hell no, my hair will glow!!" - the time I tried out the aforementioned gel.

My point is, sometimes it is worth doing something just for the fun of it. Because if you're not having fun, or enjoying yourself, then what is the point??

What about you? what sort of silly stuff do you do just to amuse yourselves? Let me know in the comments :)

Today, this is me, out getting close to sunburnt: 

See you tomorrow, splodgies!


p.s. today  I made elderflower cordial- its elderflower season!! If anybody is thinking about doing it, now is the time!! Before the flowers go yucky and shrivelled. 

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