Tuesday 10 June 2014

Pictures in my house

In most of my friends houses, there are photos of my friends families and them as young children. Often accompanied by "Urgh- don't look at those!" 

But in my house there aren't many photos of me and my family- and the ones that we do have are nearly all upstairs. And in almost all of them I am either a baby or I'm less than about 12. There is one picture of me during my first year of uni that sits on top of the shoe rack in the hallway. And I put that there when I came back for Christmas during my year in America. 

But I'm not complaining- because in place of photographs, we have lots of artwork. Lots of which were made my lovely sister - like this 

And this: 

And these:

If you want to see more of her awesome pictures, go to www.ambercooperdavies.com because it's so cool and there's lots of stuff there!!

It's got to the point where there is an unspoken sort of agreement in our house that we won't buy any more art until there is somewhere for it to be displayed. We even have an Henri Matisse print in our toilet!! 

I like having the pictures because it makes everything colourful and interesting. And because there are so many pictures that aren't of people I means I can pretend I'm in someone else's house! Yesterday, Bernadette told me my house was interesting. And I think she's right, because it is both very characteristic of the people that live here and at the same time, anybody could own all these pictures and books and CDs and weird instruments and oddly specific kitchen gadgets.

What about you? Are there lots of photos of you in your family home? Or do you have art like in my house? What makes your house yours? Let me know in the comments. 

Today this is me:

See you tomorrow,
- Rosa

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