Monday 16 June 2014

Conversations Overheard

Good evening, Splodgelings!! 

Did you ever find yourself alone, queueing up for something (standing in line to all my across the pond pals) and, for lack of any better distraction from the boredom of waiting, find yourself listening in to other people's conversations? 

It can be anywhere, from as short term as a ride on an esclator, to as long as waiting to change planes. 
Wherever it is though, you can always find something to hold your attention. 

Often, what you hear can change depending on the age of the people you are listening to. Recent example of two young girls of around 6 who were waiting with a woman who I assumed was their guardian:

Girl 1: Guess what?
Girl 2: What?
Girl 1: Not telling.
Girl 2: C'mon!!! 
Girl 1: I told you before though
Girl 2: No you didn't!
Girl 1: just because you're too stupid to listen
Girl 2: I'm not stupid, just tell me!
Girl 1: *stifles her own laughter* Bum!! 

Some are as ridiculous as this. But others can sometimes be more interesting or scandalous.  I prefer it when they are either idiotic adults, for the entertainment factor, or people having an interesting discussion about something I'm interested in. Sometimes I even like to join in! Another example of this, was from today. Two friends where sat in the same cafe where I was holding a table whilst my own friends went to order. One was holding a Nintendo DS and looked very confused. 

DS Guy: So... where do I cook the berries and stuff?
His Friend: I dunno...

at this point I realised what was happening- someone was playing a game. A GAME OF POKEMON. And I had recently spent an entire hour cooking ALL the berries I had on my pokemon game into poffins. So it continued like this-

Me: Its Celastic Town, isn't it?
His Friend: Huh?
DS Guy: Where?
Me: Its the same town where they hold pokemon contests. 
His Friend: You'd better try Celastic Town then...

...I felt slightly bad, because when I came home I realised I'd got it mixed up, and it was infact, Hearthome town. But he seemed pleased to have some guidance, and I assumed that he was new to Pokemon, or at least that version of pokemon. 

What about you? Do you like listening in to the conversations of strangers? I know I do! Let me know in the comments :) Lots of towns have an "Overheard In (Insert Town name here)" group, and I'm in more than one. People in the groups share something if they overhear something hilarious! Spreading the joy to everyone! 

Today, this is me (And Bernadette Adams):

See you tomorrow,

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