Friday 20 June 2014

Found Friday 5

Hey folks- so its that time again! Its Found Friday!

Check out what I found this week-

So basically, this is a comedic way of saying- DUDES. PEOPLE DOING SERVICES FOR YOU ARE STILL PEOPLE. And we should treat them nice- regardless of how shitty your day might have been. And I couldn't agree more. Ever heard that phrase about first dates? How you should judge the person by how they treat the waiter/waitress? Well I propose that it is expanded. Not to just dates, but to general life. The postman rings your doorbell to give you something too big for the letterbox? Say thanks. Its not hard. The bus driver just took you 20miles. Yes, you probably paid for the bus, but a thank you wouldn't go amiss.

And I'm well aware that there are lots of people that already do this. Who are thankful to the shop assistants, bus drivers, street cleaners, librarians, policeman, healthcare professionals and so many others in this world. But I'd like to think the more commonplace it is to say thank you for the small things from strangers, the more people will call out those who are assholes about it. 

It would be great if we could all be cheerful all the time, and there are days that we have that sometimes seem really not on our side- but on those days,  at an absolute minimum we should be civil to these aforementioned people. 

What I'm trying to say is- don't hurl abuse of any kind at these people. They're just doing their jobs. And if they're rude to you, then the kindness will only go noticed even more by others around you. Civilness and respect for all!!

What do you think? Ever been in a situation like this? Perhaps you have a job like this! Let me know in the comments

Today, this is me, with wonky glasses: 

See you tomorrow, splodgies

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