Thursday 5 June 2014

Sleeping (& Oversleeping)

Hello there Splodgies!

I have a tendancy to sleep at any time I like- except when I really should be sleeping. That's when I actually find it hard to sleep. And its not because I do anything very anti-sleep like drinking espresso at 11pm (that'd just be silly) or eating a lot of sugar just before I go to sleep. Its mostly because I don't have a good sleep routine, so I can often sit up until 2am watching youtube, talking to friends on the other side of the world, or infobinging on something that takes my interest.

As a consequence of this, I often sleep late into the morning. But on days when I get up at a reasonable time, between sort of 7 and 9 I feel like I've had a really productive day and I've got lots done. Even though I don't have a job to go to and feel productive at, there are still lots of things I can be doing to sort myself out. But lying in bed until 11am makes me feel lethargic and like a useless member of society. But still I love sleeping- I think I need to get myself into a routine where I appreciate my sleep having less of it and having to monitor it better.

I really REALLY love sleeping though. Dedicating time to relaxation and organising your thoughts subconciously is a really important part of staying healthy. Without sleep we'd go crazy!! And past a certain level of sleep deprivation you can cause yourself permanent psychological damage- and nobody wants that. I think the longest I ever stayed away was during an extremely frustrating jigsaw challenge a few years ago where myself and a couple of friends were determined to finish a 2500 piece jigsaw of the Alexandra Library before going to sleep- there seemed to be various levels of tiredness to us- drowsiness,  grumpiness, hysteria and then insomnia. Eventually when we finished the jigsaw it'd taken us nearly a whole weekend without sleep. We were ok afterwards though, but for our dislike of jigsaws. Needless to say, we wouldn't have been able to do the jigsaw without the picture on the front of the box- how different can one row of books depicted from about 20 ft away be distinguished from another otherwise?! We referred to our subseequent dislike of jigsaws as "jigsaw rage" for a few years afterwards.

ANYWAY- after that slight tangent, back to the topic in hand! Sleeping. Are any of you lucid dreamers? (for those of you who don't know, that means being aware of dreaming whilst dreaming and being able to control what happens in the dream). I am on occasion, although my lucid dreams often slip in and out of their lucidity, especially if something frightening is happening in the dream. I don't know if anybody else does this, but does anybody try to set themselves a topic for dreaming? Last night, as I was getting ready to go to sleep, I literally said out loud "Ok, brain. Run test simulation" in the hope that I'd get to try out an option of osmething I was thinking of doing with my real life. Unfortunately, as far as I remember I didn't dream about it. Never mind! I can always try again!

Let me know in the comments if you're a lucid dreamer! Or if you've ever had jigsaw rage! Or gone crazy from not sleeping!

Today, this is me:

The triumphant return of shiny hair can only mean that conditioner has finally come back to my life. 

See you tomorrow,

1 comment:

  1. I have heard that Jigsaw Rage is also known as Puzzle Traumatic Stress Disorder. Enjoyable blog, Rosa!
