Saturday 14 June 2014

Arriving Early For Stuff (Plus new logo!!)

Firstly, I'd like to say a great big thanks to my dear friend Maxine who has made Daily Splodge's new logo!!

-cyber applause-

Isn't it brill??

Anyway, onto today's topic. Accidently arriving early for stuff. Sometimes, when you arrive substantially early for something, but not so early that its worth going back home or doing anything like trying on lots of clothes, and you're sort of stood there like this:

People watching, but also pretending to look at your phone at the same time because you don't want people to know that you are watching them. It provides an EXCELLENT opportunity to people watch. Some tips on people watching I have found are that you are best doing it with headphones on because people assume that you are just staring into space, and also you get more from a single person if you are doing it in a cafe or bar or somewhere indoors where people meet (because on the street, people just walk right on by and you don't get much chance to watch them) 

The thing I like most about people watching is imagining a whole life for whoever it is you are watching. Why they are there, who are they with, what their hopes and dreams are and all that poetic crap. Remembering that I could have the completely wrong idea about this person and just to continue with my imagining, because it doesn't matter if I got it wrong. A person's world, a life that is completely seperate to mine but for the fact that in this moment in time and space we are inhabiting the same bit of a place. Not talking, or communicating in any way. But still in the same place.

Sometimes, I like to imagine that these people are people I know. And that they are waiting for me to come over and say hello. Sometimes, I do talk to strangers, but only if tey don't look like axe murderers or something :P And I've had a number of fascinating, breif encounters with people that perhaps one day I will write about here. Infact, I will put it on the list to write about the time on the metro with the chocolate orange (For all those interested, I keep a list of things to write about on this blog so that I'm certain I'll have something to write about every day. It'd be nice to be able to come up with something every day, but sometimes I just don't have the creative motivation to do so. Keeping a list is both lazy, and sensible).  

I like to think that somewhere, other people invent entire lives for strangers they see in the street. Sometimes I go so far as to imagine what their houses are like. Kind of like playing The Sims in my head but with real people I see on the street instead of avatars that I create on a game. And I think its harmless fun, so theres no reasno I shouldn't do it. 

What about you? Do you ever play this sort of game in your head? Let me know in the comments! Also let me know what you think of the new logo!! Thanks again, Maxine, you're a true beansprout! 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow, splodgekins!

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