Friday 27 June 2014

Found Friday 6 (the final found Friday)

Good evening, Splodgies!

Today will be the last Found Friday, after which, I shall continue to have ordinary posts on a friday. 

I know this is pretty old, but check out this gem that I found today:

....long winded way of saying "Girls can do it too". Which is super great :) But I think there also needs to be another side where boys can do typically "girly" things too- just to be fair and even stuff out a bit! I think really it should be a case of "anyone can be anything". I mean...when you think about it, who is anyone to tell any of the little girls in these ads that they can't be engineers? Or to tell little boys of the same age, that they shouldn't be a midwife? or a nurse? Sure- children need good role models- but a job shouldn't have a gender attached to it.... that's just silly! 

This child is super smart:

So how's about we all follow Riley's example? Yes! Hurrah!

What do you think? Are gender roles really that big a problem? Is Riley the new messiah? Let me know in the comments.

Today, this is me, enjoying a celebratory milkshake after having a job interview: 

Interview chic!

See you tomorrow, splodgies!

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