Wednesday 4 June 2014

I hate clothes shopping

See this picture? If i was the woman on the left I'd secretly be saying to myself "When can I leave?? When can I leave, when can I leave!?!". And if I was the one in the middle, I'd be thinking "God, this is excruciating. I hate this top/dress/jeans, why do they have to insist that I try this on?!?" ....I really hate clothes shopping.

Yep. That's right. I hate clothes shopping.  I can never find something I like in a size that fits. If I go with someone I'm frequently pressured into trying something on that I don't like.

And changing room attendants are SO POLARISED. either they are a monotone pile of boredom, or they are an overly pushy sale-driven person who tell you that you look good in whatever you have taken into the cubicle. AND THEIR JUDGY EYES. 

And don't even get me started on the changing rooms. I once had an extremely unpleasant changing room experience in a big shop in Preston (Which, to avoid slander, I will call BK Muxx)- EVERYTHING was grey, the lighting was bad (and I mean absolutely terrible, it was lit like a maths classroom). The doors/walls of the cubicles did not provide any real sort of privacy. Not only that but there was no mirror- I mean what on earth is the point of having a changing room if you can't see what you look like in the clothes you're considering buying?!?! But then I called through the crumbling price of MDF to my friend and said "have you got a mirror in yours? I don't have one!" And her reply was "yes, but it's smashed". We might as well have been getting changed in a stockroom. Needless to say, we didn't buy anything and left promptly. 

That was the worst clothes shopping experience. My problem is that I can look at something and say "yes" or "no" but when someone says to me "what are you looking for?" The best I could think of is usually "um...clothes?"  To me, clothes shopping is only tolerable when in quiet times in the shop and when accompanied by either my sister or a close friend. Only ever accompanied by one person!!! And only if they are buying clothes too!! And then to top it all off, its an utterly exhausting experience.

 The only time I recall willingly going clothes shopping with a group of people, it was for something specific- in this case, a onesie- for a party and we all got one. In the end, I chose a giraffe onesie, which is ironic on some levels, because in most of my circles of friends I am the shortest. I'm about 5'1 1/2" or thereabouts. So not exactly of giraffe stature!

Today, this is me:

Because once in a while, its fun to look ridiculous!

See you tomorrow, splodgies!
- Rosa

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