Tuesday 3 June 2014

What even IS worldly??

Wow! Looks like lots of people enjoyed yesterday's post! Glad it was enjoyed, however silly it was.

Apologies for the cheesetastic image. Anyway! Today's post is about worldliness. I've been a lot of places and done and seen lots of things. I've lived in a foreign country and I've made friends with people from all over the world. But I still don't think I'm "worldly". Which got me thinking- what even is worldly?! How many places do I need to go, how many people must I meet, how many things must I experience before I AM thinking of myself as worldly?

There is a nice long list of places I'd like to go. These include, but are not restricted to:

- New Zealand
- Australia
- India
- Canada
- The USA
- The Netherlands
- Argentina
- Egypt
- Madagascar
- Antarctica
- Norway

....its a long list. There are a lot of places I want to go. When I get to these places, I both hope to see old friends and make new ones. I don't really think its the wisdom of a person that makes them worldly or not- I think its the experiences they've had. And I'd LOVE to have more awesome experiences with more people, make new friends and generally....enjoy my life. I was talking to a far-away friend the other day and he mentioned he had a bucket list, so I started doing one too!

What about you? Do you have a bucket list? Or a list of places you want to go? Perhaps they are one and the same thing. Let me know in the comments!!

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow,

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