Wednesday 11 June 2014

I love learning- a list of things I'd like to learn

I love learning. But I never liked school much until I was able to choose what I was learning. It was fun to know that I was able to learn the stuff I wanted to know (is there ANYBODY who actually used trigometry after school that didn't do a maths, physics or engineering degree? Didn't think so.)

But what I love learning most are learning new physical skills. One of the first things I learned to do with my hands when I was small, was cooking. My sister taught herself to draw and I learned to cook- because I didn't have the patience or the dexterity needed to draw.

I love to learn new things because it means I can say "I can do this" and hopefully it'll come in handy one day. I can already knit, I know CPR (even though I don't have a certificate, I think I'd feel confident doing it in an emergency) I can play a bit of piano, I can play the ukulele, I can even restring one! I can't drive yet, but you can bet as soon as I can I will be driving off around learning to do even more things.  Here's a list of things I want to learn how to do:

  • Drive!!
  • Juggle
  • Ride a unicycle
  • ride a horse PROPERLY
  • how to 
  • Play the saxophone
  • Sail a boat
  • Operate scuba equipment
  • Operate a theatre lighting grid
  • Fly a small plane or helicopter
  • Dance 
  • Stage combat
  • Use posh cameras and editing software 
  • Some sort of martial arts. I tried karate for one term at uni, but it was on inconvenient days for me is I didn't have the energy or motivation to continue further. 
  • Rewire a plug- seems simple but I've not learned how to do it. 
  • Fix a clock mechanism or a pocket watch 
  • Develop photos the old fashioned way in a dark room.
  • Speak at least two more languages
I dunno... something about knowing and being able to do stuff makes me feel more useful and interesting. 

What do you think? What are some of the things you'd like to learn?

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow,

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