Friday 13 June 2014

Found Friday 4

Hey guys!!

Eeeew!! Cockroach!!
But hang on a minute have a look at this that popped up in my subscription box recently-

How freakin' insane cool is that?? Also the lines between disturbing and awesome have been blurred here. Personally, I have a great dislike for any cockroach that isn't that one happy little pet cockroach from WALL-E. But its also cool how the mechanics for this stuff are explained and how cockroaches are basically, INDESTRUCTABLE. They just keep going!! And now they've invented a robot that can do the same sort of stuff? Well, if I say now that I think its creepy and they shouldn't continue with the technology I'm going to regret it if/when I find myself trapped in rubble after some earhquake or avalance or landslide or something. I could be found by a minibot!! And there has to be something said for that, its pretty cool.

Also another entertaining video about cockroaches:

Because sometimes a little bit of CommunityChannel is all you ned to make you laugh! 

What do you think? Are cockroach robots yay or nay? Should I keep doing Found Friday? 

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow,

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