Monday 23 June 2014

Public Transport Qualms

So I'm generally reliant on public transport. Most places I need to go I can walk. I'm lucky in that respect

However, buses in my district are extortionately priced. 20 minute bus journey could cost as much as £7 which is utterly ridiculous. I might as well stand on a skateboard, give someone a large fan and pay them to waft me to my destination. If nothing else, that might be quite entertaining.

Sometimes I love public transport, but only when its regular, and cheap. Which is hardly ever. Most of the time, I LOATHE public transport. Usually because the people who run it, expect me to be rude, and treat me rudely in pre-emptive return. Which is unnescessary!!

And there are PEOPLE on public transport who think its acceptable to play loud music, have poor personal hygeine, spit, leave rubbish everywhere and be generally antisocial. It is times like that I have no patience for them....

Transport I like:
Plane (longhaul only)
Train (when NOT overcrowded and accompanied by extreme heat and screaming children)

Transport I dislike:
Tube- particularly when crowded as I have a varying degree of claustrophobia
Plane- on short flights, because really what is the point.
Bus- unless clean, fairly priced and free of antisocial folk
Train- when accompanied by extreme heat and screaming children or smelly people.

Sorry splodgies, but that is all I have energy for atm, its just too hot to do anything!! Hope your day has been sunny and enjoyable- What about you? Got any trouble with public transport? Let me know in the comments.

Today, this is me, trying to cope with how hot it is:

See you tomorrow, with a better post :P

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