Thursday 12 June 2014

In my garden

In my garden, we've got lots of little birds. We have a bird box on the wall of our house, and when the weather is nice,  I like to sit at the table on the patio and watch the blue tits fly in and out, presumeably feeding their little chicks. 

But over the past year or two, I've noticed a definite increase in the diversity of birds. Its gone up!! There are some birds that I hardly ever see that now frequent our garden, and of all of them, my favourites are the Goldfinches. I've been trying for ages to get a picture of them, but they don't stay still long enough for me to get a decent shot- so here's one from google

....Thanks, Google. Thoogle. I like them because sometimes they come and drink from the guttering on the roof below where my bedroom window is and I can watch them hop around and follow each other and even have a little bath in the water that collects at the end of our poorly draining guttering. 

At the moment I'm really loving seeing the swallows flying around. I couldn't get a picture of them either. Sorry! But if you don't know what a swallow looks like then you're silly. You know how to use google!! 

In my uni town, there were always lots of starlings that would fly in super impressive clouds and I DID manage to get some pictures of those whilst I was at uni, so here's some! 

They really are very very impressive, beautiful creatures. Sometimes I wish I was a bird, so I could move in three dimensions without the ground taking me anywhere. I'm not a big fan of flying in jets and so on, so I think if I had wings, I'd love flying! All soaring together and moving so smoothly and beautifully. But still each one is its own little bird! The only danger of being around these is that you might get pooped on. Which I've managed to avoid so far! 

Sorry this is such a short post- but its nice weather and it should be enjoyed!! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow,

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