Tuesday 17 June 2014

Knowing... and not telling?

So here's something I was trying to figure out lately-

At what point is it kinder to put someone out of their misery by telling them something you know that they needed to know in order to proceed further with whatever? 

Comic examples include:
- At what point should you tell someone that it is a pull door rather than a push after watching them try to push it open for a while
- Watching someone try to complete a video game when you no exactly how to do it and they have no idea.
- Reminding someone that they need to put on a protective suit before doing something like opening a beehive or nuclear reactor. 

Less comic examples:
- When should you tell your friends that you know x y or z about their friend/family member/significant other that they don't know but that they would ultimately benefit form knowing.
- When you know something is dangerous, and someone else doesn't, but it could all be fine but there's still the possiblility it might not be. 
- Pointing out the flaws in a person's theory/argument before they complete it.

How long should you leave it?! I guess really it depends on the severity of the concequence of not knowing. But there is always a chance for some hilarious schadenfreude to be had! I guess you just need to have a good gauge for this sort of thing.  

What do you think? Got any more fun examples? Let me know in the comments :)

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow,

p.s., Sorry this post is so short, I did have more planned but its sort of wandered out of my head on the thought train escaping through my ear...

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