Monday 30 June 2014

Blackcurrants are legit AMAZING.

Firstly, I'd like to say a big thanks for all the support and good feedback you splodgies have given me from yesterday's post on calling myself a feminist. Its good to know that, whilst there is still a long way before equality is fully acheived, that we're in a good place for driving social change.

Right! Onto today's post, which as you can see by the title is about blackcurrants being legit AMAZING. Because they are. At the weekend, I picked A LOT of fruit.

This photo doesn't even include the 3+ lbs of stawberries I'd picked a few days previously. Whilst picking the blackcurrants, a friend messaged me and asked me what I was up to. My excited reply was "I'M STANDING IN A BUSH PICKING BLACKCURRANTS!" accompanied by this photo:

There are lots of reasons I love blackcurrants, but first and foremost, its gotta be that they taste like absolutely nothing else. When I was in America, I realised that all the purple flavoured things there were not blackcurrant flavoured, but grape flavoured- so I embarked on a quest to find something with blackcurrants in it, and my mission failed :(. However, I did find blackberry flavoured things, but they're just not the same and simply not as good. In the end I sent a hysterical letter to a friend who was still here in the UK and she kindly sent me an envelope full of blackcurrant flavoured starbursts for which I will be eternally grateful. 

Some fun facts about blackcurrants:
  • Gram for gram, blackcurrants contain almost 4 times as much vitamin C as oranges do. Next time you've got a cold, don't reach for the OJ! Reach for your blackcurrants!! 
  • They're black on the outside, green on the inside, but when you cook them or blend them up, THEY TURN THE MOST MAGNIFICENT DEEP PURPLE. 
  • Rumours say that the band Deep Purple got their name after binging on a whole lot of blackcurrants
  • They are rich in polyphenols which help blood circulate
  • They seem to be hard to get hold of in North-West Ohio
  • There is nothing more comforting than a bowl of hot blackcurrant and apple crumble with a bit of ice cream (Which is called a la mode in America- weird, right??) in the winter
  • They are infinitely more delicious than redcurrants. 
  • They are rich in the following: iron, copper, calcium, phosphorous, manganese, magnesium, and potassium.
  • Ribena is a great source of nostalgia- for those who don't know, Ribena is a brand of blackcurrant cordial- and according to Jonathan Ross, "Ribena tastes great because 95% of all Britain's blackcurrants make it". Which can't be true because I eat at LEAST 50% of all Britain's blackcurrants. 

Incase you hadn't guessed by now, I bloody LOVE blackcurrants. Today, my mum made blackcurrant jam with all the blackcurrants we'd picked. Then after dinner we had the remaining blackcurrants cooked, served on top of meringue with some cream. Delish!!

Today, this is me with some of my birds:

See you tomorrow,

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