Wednesday 25 June 2014

I'm a busy bee

Dear splodgies- this is the first (and hopefully) Only time that I am diverting from THE LIST. I was supposed to talk about something very serious today, but I've been an extremely busy bee and shall thus tell you what I have been up to to make me too exhausted to write about something that isn't currently at the forefront of my mind. For someone who is technically unemployed, I feel like I have suddenly become very busy- I recently started volunteering in a charity shop, which is a lot of fun and I get to make mix cds for them, which have so far gone down very well! Anyway, 

Today I have:
- Picked over 3lbs of strawberries in our garden whilst listening to Bhangra, which is something I'm trying to get into at the moment. 
- Applied for several jobs, including an extrmely exciting opportunity as a script editor for CBBC. I'm a little worried about it though, because I was sent the link to the job application, but the closing date was today, so hopefully its by midnight. I got it in at about 11.15pm. It was a little rushed, but I think all the essentials are in there. 
- Been to a really great meeting, planning the future of a theatre-producing company that I am a part of. There's going to be some exciting stuff coming up in the next year, so watch this space!
- Had some great read-throughs of a short play I've written with a couple of other members of the same group for a performance we hope to put on in 3 weeks time. Got some good feedback and ideas, so I'm very pleased with the progress we've made there today.
- Been to a choir rehearsal, learned a new song, and sang outdoors because the smell of aerosol paint was making us all light headed. Consequently we received some odd looks from passer-bys. 

....and by the time I got home and was able to finish my dinner and so on it was nearly 10.30pm. And I'm thinking to do the planned post half-arsedly would be a disservice to its subject. So I WILL do it another time, but for today I am very tired. I hope you can forgive me splodgies!!

Let me know what you've been up to in the comments! I don't get many of them, so you can be absolutely certain that I will read and reply to every single one! 

Today this is me, feeling pooped at how busy I've been today!:

See you tomorrow, splodges! I'll be going on an adventure to Windemere! 

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