Sunday 22 June 2014

Late night thinking and epiphanies

I can't be the only person who sometimes finds themselves confronted with a dilemna or problem and then doing as much to procrastinate sleep because you know that when the laptop is off and the lights are out that your brain is going to make you think about the proverbial "what if" that we are all experiencing. And then, when you succumb to your own tiredness, tossing and turning all night over it.  Then in the morning, having slept badly due to your distracted mind you feel grouchy and tired and generally lousy. Its stressful! 

When its quiet, and dark and you're alone and curled up in bed but your brain just won't let you sleep because of that one little thing that is keeping you up. Sometimes, its best just to think it all out and get it over and done with.

Avoiding thinking about something usually means you worry about it more- if I say don't think of a giraffe, there is usually a certain amount of giraffe-thinking going on. Best tackle the problem head on! (no pun intended) Recently in my life I was asked where I want to be in 5 years time, when I am 27/28. And I realised that one of the two things I love the most will have to take a back seat so I can succeed at the other. But which to choose?! Its so hard. I've still not made up my mind, but I've definitely spend a few nights rolling over, debating and trying to find the best option. 

Hopefully it will come to me soon and I will have some epiphany of what I need to do. In truth, I like the idea of dropping one to get better at the other, because I feel I can't be really good at both. But I love doing both of them. And I know I'm good at them both, but still need more training, and experience and practice. Or perhaps I should take on something new entirely?? Post-graduation life has reallly not been what I expected, and a part of me feels slightly conned for having gone to university at all, given the insistances from everyone my entire childhood that going to University would pretty much guarantee me a job in the field I wanted to be in, provided that I had studied the correct course. I feel like I've done everything right, and worked really hard for the years... for nothing as of yet. But there is still time and maybe things will change. But I have to make them change, otherwise things will not happen. 

And this is the conclusion I came to, having laid awake for hours and hours. Its not much further on the problem, but its a step. And thats the point.

Bonus photo for the day, my dogems related injury:
I have legit split my knee open. 

After we got off I realised I'd left my purse in the dogem (having excitedly thrown it in without properly putting it away in my bag) but when we went back to find it. We were both surprised to find that neither the purse nor it's contents had been stolen, and the dude in charge had put it in the dogem office for us. Thanks dogem man! Faith in the human species continues, regardless of language barrier. 

Today, this is me and my friend Sarah on an adventure. We'd just come off the dogems!: 

See you tomorrow,

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