Monday 9 June 2014


Hello there little splodgies! 

Today, I made blueberry cheesecake. It was awesome and I will tell you how to do it. You will need:
• a friend who knows what to do and brings ingredients to your house. They may or may not be called Bernadette Adams. 
• a place to nap during baking and chilling 

So smash up some biscuits like this

And then pour some melted butter on top and press it into the tin and bake it for a bit

While it's baking, MAKE THE CHEESECAKE MIX!! Do this by bungig a whole lot of cream cheese in a big bowl with some lemon juice and sugar and an egg and some vanilla extract.

Then when that's all smooth and jazzy, it's time to jazz stuff up even more by adding dem bluebreez. Wash 'em first though coz you dunno if they've been rolling around in blue paint and are just masquerading as blueberries. 

Then get your base(s) outta the oven and spread the cheesecakey goodness on the top reeeeeal careful so you don't lift up any of that buttery biscuit base. 

Then chuck it back in the oven for 35 mins and BOOM! It looks (something) like this:

Tasty central, right? Right! BUT HOLD YOUR HIPPOGRIFFS!! It needs to chill for like THREE HOURS before ya eat it so it's properly set!!! When it's totes chilled you can eat it nom nom!!


Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow,

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