Monday 2 June 2014

50 Things I've learned this year

This is for Leigh-Anne, who suggested this as a blog topic.

Here is a list of 50 things I have learned this year:

1. Sometimes I actually enjoy being alone

2. How to play the baritone ukulele
3. Learned that I enjoy constructing models of animals out if ridiculously small Lego blocks

4. When I'm tired, it's often because I've slept too much already. 

5. People don't always think I'm crazy if I give them a reason to think I'm sane

6. Learned (all over again) that getting a job is hard

7. Sometimes people say stupid things, and it wasn't always meant to be a negative comment.

8. Realised I might have a minor coffee addiction. But thats ok, because I like coffee!

9. Failing is ok, so long as you deal with it properly.

10. Reminded myself that there are a lot more places I want to go to and see and people I want to
meet and see again

11. How to give chickens tick/lice medicine without having tem peck my hands to pieces

12. Life after graduation is horrible, then awesome, then horrible again. So keep pushing through until it gets to an other awesome bit!

13. I don't have to justify every single action/decision I make to the people it affects.

14.Sometimes, groups of people just aren't going to get along, and its best not to try to make them.

15. knowing when to quit is not the same as being a quitter

16. NEVER continue a rehearsal if you have a (literally) blinding migraine, because you WILL run into a door and bruise the bones in your wrist.

17. a vague breif either results in mass confusion, or widely diverse creativity.....or both.

18. I am lame enough to still be excited that I'm carrying the internet in my pocket.

19. I am probably not ever going to achieve internet fame- but its alright. Fame isn't what I'm after.

20. Absence does NOT make the heart grow fonder, it makes the heart more irritable. I MISS YOU ALL.

21. I should really tell people more often when I'm pissed off/upset with them.

22. Don't set fire to your hair in a creme-brulee related accident with a blow torch, because burning hair smells disgusting and you ruin a nice pudding too.

23.  The smell of old books and libraries is almost the same as old theatres

24. I'm only insignificant if I have an insignificant attitude.

25. There is no limit to how much I love cheese.

26. ...or chocolate

27. Far away folks are not far away in my head

28. Snails really are stupid.

29. But somehow, chickens are stupider

30. It is possible to find the most lame of fart jokes absolutely hilarious

31. Naivity and being easily trusting are not the same.

32. I've stopped beating myself up about things that I can't change.

33. I should really take more advantage of being alone in the house to make as much noise as possible... rather than sleeping.

34. Seagulls  2 - 3  Rosa. Those birds know who's boss. ME!

35.  Doing silly things, purely for fun, is absolutley the best.

36. Writing. its gonna be massive.

37. Accidently joining a choir is perfectly possible.

38. I DO know how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, but I'm not going to tell you because you smell.

39. Once you're already soaked, walking through the rain isn't that bad.... So long as its not windy, because then its just nasty!

40. Well whaddya know- I CAN crack every vertebrae in my spine. Probably not good for me. But whatever.

41. I no longer like meringues.

42. I still hate exercising.

43. It is impossible to buy a rounder's ball in my home town.

44. I want to learn more things!! Go back to University!! #studentforlife....

45. Apparently, I now find hashtags acceptable.

46. When you have a song stuck in your head, its best to play it on the ukulele, then forget about it for months and months until its stuck in your head again.

47. I can now properly dismantle and reassemble a cafatiere AND an espresso pot. And use both for their indended purposes... among other uses.

48. upstaging a stranger in a music shop with my own rendition of Sweet Child Of Mine by Guns N Roses is the closest I am ever going to get to feeling like a celebrity.

49. Slow news days go one of two ways- boring news, or hilariously pointless news.

50. I suck at making sincere lists.

And those are all things I've learned between 2nd June 2013 and 2nd June 2014. Go figure :P

What cool things have you learned in the past year? Anything deep and meaningful? Something silly and fun, perhaps? A mixture of both? Something else entirely? Let me know in the comments :)

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow,

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