Tuesday 24 June 2014

To tumblr or not to tumblr

There is, dear splodgies, a logo that strikes fear, curiosity and wonderment into my heart all at the same time. That logo is this:

"Tumblr? But what's wrong with tumblr?" I hear you cry.

Well, in principle, nothing. HOWEVER. I am a gigantic procrastinator, and I fear that should I succumb to the Tumblrsphere. The list of things I have to procrastinate go from Twitter, to Facebook, to iPlayer, to 4oD, and Tickld.

And if I am given a task of doing something, particularly if it involves using a computer to complete said task, then I am extremely prone to procrastination. And I fear that tumblr may open an uncloseable door to a labyrinth of procrastination taking me into the darkest and most bizarre corners of the depths of the internet. Sometimes, friends will send me links to tumblr and I think to myself "This is ok- I have a way out, so long as I don't click on anything leading off this page, I will be absolutely fine". My friend likes to send me pictures on the "Arthur Out of Context" tumblr, and being a massive fan of the televisual cartoon aardvark and his zoological friends, I will always enjoy what is sent to me.

Another reason I choose to stay away from Tumblr is because I know that it will get me addicted to fan fiction, fan forums and things I know I don't really have time to get addicted to. I feel like if I had better focus, then I would be able to acheive all those things I want to do that procrastination (and therefore, I suppose, poor attitude) is keeping me from.

 As someone who loves writing, this is a major issue. Feeling a bit of ye-olde-writers' block? No problem- Twitter may take my mind off it. The same goes for Facebook. And Youtube. And Tickld. And iPlayer- I really must catch up on Eastenders, and that orangutan documentary I wanted to watch. Ah, yes, but my friend mentioned that episode of Black Books that was really hilarious, I suppose they're only short episodes, it wouldn't hurt to watch one....

...Tune back into my brain several hours later and by the time I've done all that, half the day or more has gone by and I've not done any writing at all. What a complete waste!! If I allow myself to get into Tumblr, I fear this will only make matters worse for my lack of personal productivity.

Plus, I'm not really sure how to do Tumblr. You click follow? Is it like Twitter but not limited to 140 characters? I'm not sure I get it, but I'm afraid to find out for the reasons above!!

What do you think? am I being a plonker? Is Tumblr really as addictive and procrastination feeding as I think? Let me know in the comments.

Today, this is me:

See you tomorrow!

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