Wednesday 21 January 2015

Cake Mission

Hello Splodgies! 

This afternoon, I'd finished all my jobs in the office and about an hour or so to go before youth theatre began- so I proceeded to swing around on my chair and snapchat my goings on. Most of my snapchats were about cake. And then they included cake. And then I ate cake.

Because I'd not been at work in the morning, my whole timings for eating had gotten messed up! So it was approaching 4pm, and I wouldn't be going home for my tea until about 10pm. I really need to find a way to be eating at sensible times when I'm working evenings instead of mornings.

Anyway, I'm super sleepy, so I gotta catch some Zs before I get up for work in the morning! 

Hope you are all well! If you've got any tips for me, let me know in the comments! I'm aware that on days like today, my blog does suffer in terms of content and quality, but in a way, that's not the end of the world. When I started writing this blog, I was unemployed and had hours and hours and hours of free time just being wasted so I decided to use it writing a blog. Now that I have a job that I really love doing, but for various data protection reasons can't/won't talk about it in detail on my blog I have a lot less to put on here. So don't worry, it's not that I have nothing to say, its that I have lots that I want to say but can't. Because data protection/child protection is important! 

Today, this is me: 

See you tomorrow!

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